How to Fight Flue Virus?

Adequate nutrition is needed to fight the flu virus With the onset of winter comes the fear of catching a cold. It is accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, chills, fever, body aches, cough and runny nose. In the common cold, you need adequate nutrition to have the strength needed to fight the common cold virus. Doctors recommend eating hot foods, soups and other healthy foods, as well as avoiding certain foods as they can prolong the recovery period of the common cold. If you avoid the following foods during the common cold, then you will be able to get rid of it soon. 

Sweet things Eating too many sweet or sugary foods during a cold can be a problem because they cause inflammation. This makes it difficult to get mucus out, which is a kind of hot and humid environment, in which the flu virus likes to live. Inflammation can also weaken the white blood cells that fight infection in the body. Although ginger coffee is good for colds and flu, it is even more beneficial if you drink it without sugar. Dairy products There is an old saying that milk and its products produce more mucus in the body. However, it is true that for some people, milk can thicken the mucus and make it last longer. So if you think that drinking milk is causing more tightness in your chest, then it is wise to avoid it. But if that is not the case, then the use of things like milk and yoghurt can be beneficial in the disease. Both contain protein and vitamin D, which help your body fight infections. Yoghurt contains probiotics, which can help keep the good bacteria in balance. Meat Protein must be taken to maintain its strength while fighting the common cold and it is found in a lot of meat. However, it also contains a lot of fat, which is difficult to digest. Some experts say that eating fat with meat reduces your body's ability to get rid of the germs that cause the common cold and that is why you have to deal with such symptoms for a long time. It is better to get your protein requirement from eggs, lentils, gram, beans, nuts, soybeans and rice.

 Refined grains Most people with stomach upset avoid spicy and nutritious foods instead of rice and toast. The downside of this strategy is that the refined carbohydrates enter the body and break down quickly in the form of sugar, resulting in an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood and in a short time you start feeling hungry again. Such carbohydrates are also associated with inflammation, which you should avoid at all costs. When you are sick, spend it on whole grains (no white flour) or brown rice, it will not make you hungry soon. Oily (Greasy) products Fatty foods such as chips, French fries, burgers and pizza contain a lot of trans fat or vegetable oil. They cause severe inflammation in the body and prevent the immune system from developing. Fatty foods are also difficult to digest and can increase the feeling of nausea. When you feel you really need to eat, avoid these types of snacks and avoid protein foods.


Tahir Mehmood

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