What are Real Facts of Corona Virus?

So we'd like to urge the facts straight. How does this virus work, or it transmits, where does it want to go, and let's protect ourselves? Coronavirus belongs to is a family of viruses that can cause as mild things as just a common cold, all the way up to SARS or MERS. These are these bad pneumonias that we're talking about. These viruses look like a tennis ball with all these

spikes sticking out of it. When it is on the type of spike, it allows that virus to attach to certain places. They have this spike that attaches to your nose. So basically you just get a common cold. But the SARS virus and this new virus that we're talking about have the spike

that allows it to attach to the cells in your lung and when it attaches there, it puts in information to make photocopies of itself. So it uses our equipment to make more viruses. Most of the coronaviruses live in animals. In this particular case, it was from Wuhan. There was a fish market where they were selling live animals and therefore the thought is that the virus was during a live animal, then it crossed into a human. we found that people are getting sick in terms of healthcare

workers, in terms of family members that we’re looking after them, which now meant that the virus can pass from human to another human, like all the viruses, this virus also needs to reach a target, which is your lung and it has to get there with your help. it's no feet and no wings. So, therefore, it needs us to move it there. So that's why we keep saying don't hang around sneezy people because you're going to breathe it in. And don't touch your face because that's how the virus is going to get in. The masks are helpful, but

they're not necessary because they're leaky. The things that you and I buy basically have pockets here, so, therefore, the virus can get in. if we want to stop infecting ourselves we have to stop touching our face. The true people that have real masks are the N95. Those are sealed. These are for the doctors that may be caring for the patients. So in the beginning, the coronavirus will cause a kind of like flu-like symptoms or a cold. So people just get the stuffy nose, that sort of thing. But you'll understand that as soon as that virus starts manufacturing in your lung cells, they're producing of these copies of the virus.

All of a sudden now you kill the lung cells, so now you can't exchange oxygen and that's why one of the early symptoms is people get very short of breath and they tend to have a difficult time breathing and that's why they end up in the hospital. So currently, unfortunately, we do not have an immediate treatment for the

coronavirus, so we don't have a medication that can kill it off. And so it's really supportive. So in other words, the patient can't breathe, we give them oxygen help them to breathe, they cannot drink, so , therefore, we give them fluids to support them. Their kidneys begin to shut down, we help them with all those things. So it's a very supportive process. This is a replacement virus that we've never seen before, so our system. So these are things that can grab on to the spikes that we see on the virus and it'll get rid of the virus for you and that will actually bring you back to good health. So, therefore, the elderly may have a worse outcome and of course, the young children, the babies, their immune system is not so good either, so they may not make those antibodies as well. So just remember your hands maybe with

the virus. The virus cannot hurt you because it can't get through the skin, but the moment I do this, now I've brought the virus right to where it wants to travel. So let's remember not to touch our hands to our face. So let's say you think that you might have been on a plane or you might have bumped into somebody that has it, what should you do? So the very first thing is to contact a healthcare worker to inform

them that potentially you have it. If you are feeling symptoms and you are going to travel into a facility, call ahead. OK. So whether you're calling the paramedics or whether you're calling the hospital or your doctor, just mention that you were on a flight. If you don't have any symptoms, then what we do is a little bit of a self-quarantine. In other words, we can just keep you away from other people and so you don't go into parties, don't go with your friends, don't go into public transportation. So we can contain

it very easily by making sure that you do a self-confinement so to speak for the let's say 7 to 14 days is the longest incubation time, so after that, if you're feeling well, then you don't have anything to worry about. If we get the facts right, then we don't have to be overly worried, but we do the right things so that we don't get the virus ourselves, and that we don't pass it on to others. And if we look after each other in this way, this virus will have nowhere to go. It needs us to maneuver it, it needs us to form copies for it, and if we do not help it, then the virus will stop. So we have the power to do that, right now.


Tahir Mehmood

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