American Elections 2020 Biden Vs Trump


People have had a taste of trump politics now, trump consequences. I think people are ready for yet another change and I think it is going the other way at this time.  people support the big government for their own purposes and I’m not supportive of either of that. we can’t go on how we are now.

We tried it. it didn’t work. Connell: we’re back here in Chester County in Pennsylvania getting you set for the third night of the democratic national convention, tonight it is the presumptive vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris who will take the virtual center stage and other key speakers tonight with senator Elizabeth warren. Hillary Clinton will speak.  former President Barack Obama will speak as well. 

Here to speak with us, Fred Hochberg, former head of the export-import bank president Obama. working closely with the Biden campaign. a lot of people will be watching but what about generating excitement in the virtual environment? I saw the rates last night. 18.2 approximately watched. a lot. but down 27.2 last time around. does it make it more challenging to generate excitement around the campaign which is one of the challenges for the Biden folks?

The virtual campaign is a new thing for all of us. A new thing for democrats.  a new thing for republicans. 18 is a lot of viewers. I think we’re learning our way through but I thought the last two nights were well-produced. it was good television and I thought the roll call was an afar more interesting way of seeing it. Yes, going around the country and that. in the backdrops that seemed to get pretty decent reviews. let me ask you about Hillary Clinton because she is going to speak tonight.

I just saw a reporter from "politico" put excerpt of her speech on twitter that speaks to what we’re doing in Chester county, Pennsylvania, it is an area Joe Biden should win. matter whether you win big in an area like this in a swing state so you offset the strength of your opponent Donald Trump in rural areas of the state. Mrs. Clinton will say according to the expert, this not be at the expert, that is clearly why she lost.  show Biden is a bridge builder. we had Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez around john Kasich. we had Colin Powell. we had Bill Clinton. we had a wide range of people.

A wide range of points of view, saying together, Joe Biden is a person who believes in this, pulling the country together we can come up with better solutions that work for more Americans. Connell: give me a preview tomorrow night.  that is always the big one, as much as people get excited about other speeches if it is Michelle Obama, who it may be, the candidate speaks. the trump campaign is directly going after Joe Biden’s mental fitness. that is out there in the add this is week, does it adds to the pressure, even though you’re dealing with such an experienced politician does it add to the pressure to perform tomorrow night? because that is now out there?

I think for any presidential candidate, even on a, even on re-election the night they speak at the convention when all the country, the largest audience they have to date will be on Joe Biden’s eyes tonight. the next three will be the debate. these are all high-stakes events. I’ve known Joe Biden, goodness, for 30 years. he is experienced. he knows how to handle these things. he is well-prepared. he knows who he is, he knows what he stands for and what his values are.

What do you say the attack from the Trump administration which essentially amounts or from the president himself that vice President Biden is, has lost a step, or lost a little bit on his fastball? what do you say to that?  Joe Biden has been in government and the public sphere for 40, 50 years.

He understands when people make attacks, groundless attacks. I think he is pretty good at fending them off. not taking them to heart. Connell: we’ll see tomorrow night. I want to ask you about the economy a little bit. that is the other thing we hear. even in a pro-Biden area where we are, seems like a lot of support for the former vice president but those that are reluctant, especially former trump voters, people who voted for Trump last time around, I’m willing to listen, I’m willing to change but I’m worried that my taxes are going to go up, not just go up a little, go up a lot. what will you say to those voters?

I think what we need is a strong economy. what we’ve seen in the last six months, in particular, Donald Trump through his inaction and lack of leadership on COVID -19 has tanked the economy. so we need to rebuild the economy. Joe is talking about doing infrastructure. let’s be clear. president trump is going to be infrastructure president. he was a builder, so I think we have a lot to move this economy forward and move to the united states economy both forward and globally forward.

We can do a lot more exporting which I worked on with Joe Biden and Barack Obama in the last administration. I’m confident. Connell: taxes are going up, right? do you think they’re going up right away given what we’re coming out of with a weak economy and the pandemic? we’re going to ultimately at some point as a country we’re going to have to pay for this but we’re not going to be, I don’t think we’ll see any of that until we get the economy back on a firm footing. that is my personal belief a lot of people on wall street seem to be betting on that as well. we’ll see what happens if the former vice president takes over and wins this election.



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