SEO Best Setting For WordPress Yoast SEO - Yoast Plugin Setup

Many people think that they all knew about Yoast SEO! It will be your misunderstanding. Today I will tell you about my settings.

And I will tell you about advanced tricks so that you will not need to use the premium version of Yoast SEO. And after applying these settings SEO of your website will boost up. You will come to WordPress settings. After coming into the dashboard, you have to install a plugin. With the name Yoast SEO. You will write a Yoast in the search bar.

Just after your typing Yoast in the search bar, you will see the first plugin. You can see the active installation. This is more than 5 million It means after seeing this installation rate you can understand how many people are using this plugin. Basically, there are many SEO plugins in the market. But we will just talk about the 3 or 4 SEO plugins which are famous. But the most useable plugin for SEO which is Yoast, so we will only talk about this plugin today's article.

 Simply you just install this plugin and then activate it. Then you scroll down and you will find the settings. Or you can go through the General tab in the left sidebar. After clicking on the General tab, you will see this page in front of you. All of your problems related to SEO will be listed here. Then for the first-time configuration, Yoast SEO is asking here but we are not going to use the default configuration. I am going to tell you all the things manually.


Here you are seeing Features Tab. Simply you just click on it. The features which are Yoast SEO providing you are listed here. Like SEO Analysis, Readability Analysis, XML Sitemap. Yoast SEO is providing all these features for free. It is the list of these features. Simply it was a short overview of the General Settings.

After this, you will come to Search Appearance. First, you will find Title Separator. What is the title separator? If you see on my website, I am using a Dash after web insights. Basically, where you will use the title separator this symbol will be used there. Theses all separators are search engine separators. So lets if I want to use this one then I will click on it.

After this here is the SEO title for the Homepage. One thing you should keep in mind; it is just the Homepage SEO title. Not for the whole Website. What is the SEO title? Let's say, I search Facebook in Google. This blue colored area or this blue colored link, it is SEO title. And this is in Gray color under SEO title is called Meta Description.

So if you want to set the title for your homepage, you can do this from here. In my case I want my homepage's title, Learn Blogging for free. Whenever my website will index in Google my title will be shown here in this place. You can write a Meta Description for your website here which you want. It will show in the search engine. After this, it is Knowledge Graph and Schema basically what is it? I tell you.

Let's say if we search Facebook so this data will come through Knowledge Graphic What is Facebook? It is an organization. And if I search here NBA Services. It is showing a public figure;            Hafiz Basit Ali also has an organization. So I want to tell you all of the data which is shown here comes through a knowledge graph. All these are enabled when your website gets good signals and traffic When you will become a popular brand or an organization. Here we will talk about settings what should we select here?

If you have an organization, then you should upload the logo. Then type Organization Name uploads a logo, and then click on save changes. Now Guys! We simply click on Content-Type You will find Settings for Single post URL here. We will set pre-default settings in the content type. It means all these settings here are applied to your post SEO. So first of all, you want to show your posts in the search engine or not? Obviously yes! If you are writing blogs, then you will want your posts will index in Google and people visit your website.

After this, you will find the Date in Google Preview. What is it? Let's say If I type News India in the search bar. Here you can see they are showing the time of the post here. That it is uploaded 12 minutes ago and when this post will get old then you will see 2 days ago or 24h ago here. If you want this, then make sure you will check this. It is an SEO title here under this. What is this SEO title? I tell you. I am again repeating all these settings which we are doing here in content type, these all settings are applying on posts. These are not applying to the homepage. So do not be confused.

Basically, these which are in Purple color are variables. We will click here if we want to insert them. As if I want to add a primary category, I will click on it and it will show here. For now, I delete all of them. I just leave the title here. Now, what is the title here? How do variables work? I tell you. Let say, whichever you are typing the title of your website. As I am writing learn WordPress for free. If this is the title of your post or the heading, then it will become your meta title.

 Make sure you keep the title here. It automatically keeps your title as your meta title. Now if you want a separator then simply select Separator from here. Then if you want the name of your website shown here. In my case, I want Web Insights so in all posts and posts' titles it will be shown.

Means the title of your post and after this, there will be a separator and then the name of our website. I hope you are understanding well if you are facing issues then you can ask me in the comments. Definitely, I will reply to you. As we set up settings for posts here so same like this you can do this for pages here.  Same settings, if you want the date in the search engine, you can. What will be the default? title and default meta description for your pages? After this, you will come here in the media section if you want your media indexing.


You have to enable it here. Then you will come to Text anomalies.I saw many videos on YouTube but many YouTubers miss the Text anomalies. But guys, Text anomalies. have a lot of roles. I tell you how? Let say you want your categories will show in the search engine or not? Now, what are the categories? I show you on my website. I made a category with the name Deals on my website. When I will click on Deals, so all the posts related to deals will show. Yoast SEO is asking you If you want to index your category or not? If you want to index this category, you want to index this page. Then you will have enabled it.

Often it happens Google AdSense is not approving. The message is shown there, for the content. This means there is less content on your website. It is because you have not enough data on your category's page. In my case, you can see there is only one content on this page. So in this case Adsense will give me the warning that you have not enough content.

Whenever you want AdSense’s approval then enable this option otherwise you can face problems. We come to the category title. What will be the title of the category? What will be the title of the category page? You can add this same as Posts and Pages. After this, these are tags. I think Tags are the most important in Yoast SEO. There is a big relation between Yoast SEO and Adsense.

I tell you how? The same thing, as I said if you have less content on the deals page then you will face the warning. And your Adsense does not approve. Same like this when you use tags on your website. And there is only one post on your tag post then again you will see a warning. So, in this case, you should click on NO. Till your Adsense will not approve. After this, there are Format options you will not touch them. Keep them as they are. Then Settings Category URL.

Let say if I do not want Word Category on my category page. You will just click on remove and then click on save changes. Automatically the word category will remove from there. So in this way, all these settings will apply. After this, it will come to the Archive section. It is not as important but I tell you.

Let say you want to index the Author's Page of your Authors on your website. You can do check or uncheck from here. If you want to show them, you can select the show here. In this way, the Author Section will work. After this, there are date archives. You will select Yes so that as I said it will show here. You have to enables these settings here. Then you find Special Pages, as what will be the title of the search page? And what will be the title of 404 pages? When someone comes to your 404 pages then what will be the title of your page? By default, it will show the page not found. So do not change it.

If you want, you can change it. Then it comes Breadcrumbs. If you want you can enable it but in my case, I do not want it to be enabled. Then it will come RSS feed but it is not as that important. So, I call it advance because I just did not tell you about Yoast SEO but also give you a lot of information about Adsense. Due to which reasons your Adsense does not approve?

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