Is Bitcoin a Safe Investment (Investing in Crypto world)?

On today's discussion, easy access to crypto exchanges. Are you here guys to buy bitcoins?  Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take the line. They told me, actually, we have a car. It's a huge black Cadillac. It was parked on the main street in Moscow. I was waiting and the door open and I came in and two big guys, like really bad guys. They ask me ok how much do you need? Okay, give us the cash. They had a special machine to count all the notes right in the car. So we take like two per cent if you don't wait for the confirmation, what is confirmations? If you will wait. When you get these coins, we will charge you five per cent. Okay. I ask. No, no, no. I will wait for confirmations, so they took 5 per cent. They send me these bitcoins with my public address and everything. And then I analyzed all this and thought, it's so stupid. For many people, the world of cryptocurrencies has been like the Wild West. One of the worries is how to safely buy and store large quantities of these assets, especially for people living in developing markets. Vladimir has already experienced these issues, which is why he has set up the brokerage company NewCent to provide easy access to crypto exchanges. My name is Vladimir. I was born in Russia, actually, at that time it was the Soviet Union. I started NewCent actually by chance, by coincidence.

 When it was 2013, the peak of development of Russia I think at that time, we won the Olympic Games and then we have all this Crimea story, with Ukraine. So for me at that time, it was absolutely obvious that to do business anymore in Russia, it's not worth enough. Because when we did it and all our vestments moved back, our exchange rate again changed and my net wealth just decreased three times immediately. I had a lot of talks with my friends from the states or Europe. Bitcoin is a big thing. What's your reason? What's the intrinsic value behind it? But for people who are living in developing countries, it's a huge advantage. That's why to like in Zimbabwe, Argentina, Vietnam, Russia, Ukraine, penetration of bitcoin and cryptocurrency is much, much higher in comparison with the states and the U.K. Later, I  started to read more, more, more about this technology and thought yeah, it's really cool. And I started to check what are the institutional and trustworthy organizations that exist to make the big deal. So I decided okay, I will try to contact this broker. So now it's a big broker, still a big broker here. I tried to call them, I tried to write to them, they didn't answer. So I decided to take a flight. A flight to Zurich, took the train from Zurich to Zug, to visit the office. I ring the bell and they told me, do you have an appointment? No, I don't but. We can't let you in. We can’t sell you bitcoins. And I was so surprised actually, it's like I have one million, I want to buy one million worth of bitcoin, which at that time was still only the crazy people could do this. And they are super busy.

 They don't have time for me to buy this. Then I cross the road, I drink a beer, I was watching this office and I was thinking, well, it's my future business. I use my network, found the guys from PricewaterhouseCoopers that help me create the company and get the license, get all the connection and presence in Switzerland. And I moved with my family here and I  started. So my idea was to make the movement in and out very easy. And the second point was to make it safe by design, by default, that no counterparty risk or at least to eliminate it to a minimum. If you want to invest, you want to make it transparent. Yeah, we can provide you with this opportunity. Most people in our target audience in our Target segment, they drive German or Japanese cars, they drink Italian wine, but they still keep money with the Russian banks or Vietnam Bank or Kazakhstan bank. They are sometimes limited with their financial services, which they get right now. So we want to give them access. We provide a consumer service for these guys and we try to work hard 24/7 to help these people to get this opportunity. You want to trade the S&P 500 or when it will be maybe the S&P 300 or whatever. You can do it. You could buy Bitcoin, you could buy gold, you could buy some real estate, but you have your money and it's like world recognized. And this money is somewhere. And I think  Switzerland is the best place to have money here. So we want to create this kind of service. So we are connected to 18 liquidity providers and if a big client is coming, so a big, big client is more than five million because even if you buy at the moment five million Bitcoin or sell five million, you will see that this deal will influence the market.  it will go down or up. So we'll help the clients to buy and sell these big amounts. So we have an order execution system. We have a very secured way of how to work with our liquidity providers. We have a few banks, again, to make it very transparent and very safe for the clients. We're really working 24/7 and we try to onboard your workweek. We understand that for people who really invest a significant amount of their capital, they need to have a trustworthy counterparty.

 And a financial company in Switzerland is like one of the most secured by default counterparty. That's why when I was choosing where to create this company, Singapore, Malta or Gibraltar. Of course, it was the first answer and it was the right answer to make it in Switzerland. If we compare how the software market evolved. Twenty-five years ago, it was OK. Are you IBM or your Apple? And you'll have all software from one provider or from another. And now we're living in a world where we have Apple but we use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and we use Zoom, whatever possible. So I think with finance at some point, it will also be free. And we want to occupy this space which provides the people from different countries access to a very stable place to have your money and then do whatever you want with this money. Experience breeds wisdom and wisdom breeds vision. New Cent was born out of Vladimir's incredible firsthand experience of trying to buy Bitcoin in significant quantity. Today, he's giving easy access to crypto exchanges for people in both developed and developing markets so that they can choose to preserve their wealth in this exciting financial frontier. As global debts soar, alternative stores of value are going to become increasingly popular. Finance. Now it's new and improved.


Note: All characters, events and places are depicted in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.



Tahir Mehmood

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