Do you Know Obesity can be controlled with intermittent?


some new evidence suggests that intermittent fasting could provide much health benefits beyond weight loss that's according to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. here to

break it all down for us NBC medical contributor dr. Nathalie Azar full disclosure I did this for about four or five days ago Carson that Carson sucked me into it it's not for me but I think it's part partly because of the schedule but I was surprised to hear that it's beyond weight loss yes.

so this was actually a review of past animal and human studies for multiple years and what the authors posit as potential benefits in addition to weight loss is improving obesity improving insulin resistance cholesterol hypertension inflammation also some cognitive parameters all things that could theoretically improve longevity. How does this work they say well it's all about this thing called the metabolic switch, so what happens when you fast is that your body burns through all the sugar in the liver ultimately.


Then it has to transition into burning fat for fuel that actually starts this whole signalling cascade in the body that helps to suppress inflammation. it starts to repair damaged cells and has all these benefits on a cellular level that could contribute to all of these potential health benefits. The good point is that it can take a couple of weeks even months. It equilibrates when you do something like this but I should mention that there are not that we would say concerns, but some things to sort of point out for people who are considering doing this, especially in the new year.


there aren't any long-term studies yet on the potential health benefits we're talking long term a lot of the studies that were done we're done an overweight young and middle-aged adult so unclear, if it's generalizable to everyone and I think it is important to note that children shouldn't do this elderly person should not necessarily do these people who are underweight or have eating disorders regnant breastfeeding women so there's if you're going to do something like this definitely do it with the guidance of a doctor and a nutritionist.


I think the most popular one is the sixteen and the eight one is the five and the two so the sixteen in the eight is basically that you're fasting for sixteen hours and you have an eight-hour window where you're doing your eating and by the way you should be eating healthfully drink. basically eating normally for five days and then on two non-consecutive days you're restricting your calories. The point is that mechanism of metabolic change starts to really kick in you need to have that prolonged period of fasting.




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