Why does Lionel Messi wants to leave Barcelona?

I never wanted to make and never truly expected to make but you know what it is happening this has gone now beyond reports this has gone way beyond rumors because Lionel Messi wants to leave Barcelona and us of course, have to talk about it because indeed. We spoke about man city's very a serious interest in Messi and about how this entire situation it wasn't a joke for me it never has been this has always been and should have been treated as a really serious issue a real possibility that Messi could lead the club and we all knew a decision was coming well.

This evening it has come and like I say this now is not rumor this now is not speculation Messi officially wants to leave the club he informed the club this evening via fax that he will leave the club this summer by means of terminating his own contract and the club have confirmed they received that message from Messi in that fax. Messi stated that he does intend to release himself from his own contract at Barcelona and leave the club this summer.

For his 700 million release clause but for absolutely nothing, Messi has already stated there that he will proceed to activate that clause which was inserted into his the contract for several years now that allows him the option of leaving the club for free although right now there is confusion over that's the big sticking point right now.

Because Messi is absolutely clear he wants to leave enough is enough we're going to be talking about exactly why in just a moment's time but that clause that right now is certainly up for debate because usually, that clause in his contract must actually be activated before the end of the season in usual circumstances Messi there would need to inform the club by about June if he did actually want to activate that clause with the club there saying right now that clause expired after June the 10th so the club believes that right now.

Messi's 700 million euro clause that still stands they believe the release clause is there and that's the only way that Messi can leave however reports in Argentina Spain as well they say that because the season was extended this year because this year is a very different situation and the season went on until August Messi believes that he has until August the 31st  to activate that clause and release himself from his deal like I say for nothing and that may be why we've seen Messi now take several days quite a while it has been in terms of waiting for a decision after that buy-in defeat now we've had over a week's time waiting to see exactly what Messi will decide to do.

I just wonder there that behind the scenes have they have been exploring that contract have they been looking there at the final print basically seeing whether it's possible to get himself out of that deal and like I say there are clubs out there that can afford him and even more so without that release clause if he can go for nothing all you need to do there is get those wages and that right now is a serious possibility that Messi this summer walks out the door with receiving nothing in exchange and just to highlight right now.

Exactly how serious the situation is Carlos legend former Barcelona captain he actually tweeted there following all of this the news he said respect and admiration Leo all of my support friend and that right now that's massive we as a club as the community where we're coming to terms of the fact that Messi he is actually leaving he actually wants to leave the club and we never thought we'd be in this situation and it's honestly it's unbelievable for me I’m sitting here right now like I say.

I never expected to actually wanted to write this article I feel a lot of sadness that will certainly, come but above all else right now I feel the anger I feel absolute rage quite simply because there's one man there is one man who's been responsible for this car crash for this entire situation, this comes down the fact that he's still, he is still in charge of this club he still hasn't resigned what kind of man are you to be the president.

Who allows the best player in the history of this club to walk out the door to want to walk out of the door and it all comes down to him the fact that he hasn't resigned the fact that after yet another champions league disappointment he continues to be in charge of this club and he was even more incense messy what made him even angrier was when he cut his holiday short to go and meet up with the new coach Cooman when he sat down there in that private one-to-one meeting.

Immediately after that meeting, the club leaked everything and I mean everything that was said to the media straight away stabbing Messi once again in the back and tried to twist things in the media to make him look bad and Messi right now feels as though it's completely broken down there is no trust there between the player and the board there is nothing there anymore they have torn all of that away and he feels also   leaving this club there's no chance no matter what happens there is no chance of that winning project.

That he so desperately wants and that's why he wants to go enough is enough they have pushed Messi they've pushed all of us to the absolute edge and like I say how is this  you thought it would be okay there to bring the elections forward to March 2021 that wasn't soon enough, you can blame everything else you can blame everyone else and they never take up that responsibility they never take up ownership of their own decisions and they can have this board meeting now but I still don't even know if it'll make any difference.  now go back on all this because like I said before many times this here this is the closest.

We've ever been by a considerable distance now to Messi leaving our club which we never thought could happen and like I said there earlier on today over. there are clubs out there that will be queuing up around the block to get their hands on little Messi yes he may be 33 yes he does have extremely high wages but what you would get in terms of Messi not only in terms of on the pitch but off the pitch to all of that marketability all of that extra stuff.

That comes there with signing what is the best the player in the world the best the player in history coming to your team people will want him you will have a man the city really putting all the money they're trying to get him in you'll have a man united all of that kind of clubs who have any chance there of bringing Messi in they'll be trying and Barcelona have let him like I say walk out that door they have pushed somebody who joined the club nearly 20 years ago.

When he came all the way over from Argentina as a boy grew at this club into a man into the best player he loves it here he loves knowing the club but also the city his family are set up here his children are here his wife is here but no you have forced him out of the club you have made him not want to play here anymore.

Because it's not the fans it's not like we turned against him, it's not like we've done anything wrong that's not what this is about the people in charge of this club have brought it to its knees and they're still being allowed to run the club how is this happening what a disgrace so that right there guys are the latest right now on little messy emotions are certainly high the sadness like I say is already starting to come through now I will try to keep you updated as best as I possibly can on this situation. something that honestly I ever imagined having to do but this is real and if the board had realized it was real maybe a bit sooner we could have avoided this kind of problem.




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