How to Prepare Your Child for Safe from Corona Virus?

For the folks that are going to send their kids back to school and have that opportunity, talk to us as parents. You know, I've got three little ones at home going into elementary school. Having them wear a mask is a big deal just when we try to go to the grocery store, let alone all day in a classroom. Talk to us as parents about what we need to do to prepare our kids to be as healthy as they possibly can in an in-classroom environment.

I think the first thing is just acknowledging that in-person learning will come with a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19 than virtual learning. The nature of this virus is that it's passed person to person. So, being with other people in any setting, including schools, does increase one's risk. That being said, we know that there are measures that can keep people safe when they're around others. But I do want to highlight that children are malleable.

I've got young kids too. And I'm hopeful that social distancing will just become part of their normal routine, and same with masks, just as much as walking down lines in the hall and wearing backpacks have become for many students in school. But, given these challenges, what can you do as a parent? I'd recommend that you teach your children the best practices now and continue to practice them in the house and in the community to get ready for school.

This includes wearing masks whenever you leave the house, keeping a distance when you're in public and talking about it and practising it, and then washing hands regularly, and learning to wash hands well. All of these actions now can help them become habits before they go back to school. I want to bring up one other topic, which is a concern that I've heard from many people. And they ask about what's the risk of a child bringing COVID-19 home? There's been some recent research on this, and the early research showed that most COVID-19 spread is from adult to child, but there is a risk that a child could get infected and bring the virus home, potentially infecting a household member.

We're still learning a lot about the virus. And it's important to remember that regardless of age, anyone can carry and contract the virus. And while data shows that while children generally get a milder form of the disease, a more serious form of the disease can occur in adolescents. And so, this is important to think about that by having your child be at school or really any of us out in public, the virus is with us and we're all bearing these risks.

Specifically talking about the kids and having them execute these safety protocols, do you have any advice on how we can talk to our kids about making sure that they're staying safe while they're in the classroom? Yeah. Since wearing masks is mandatory in many parts of the country for children over a certain age, some of them have already gotten used to it.

But one thing that has worked for many kids is allowing your child as much choice as possible over what kind of masks they wear. So, have them get involved in choosing which mask to buy, the colour, the design if possible. Try to purchase a selection of them. And then, think about developmentally appropriate language when speaking to your kids about masks and these complex topics that COVID-19 brings up. For younger children, it might be helpful to say something like, "There are lots of germs right now, and there are people who are working really hard to clean them up and make them go away.

But we have to help ourselves by wearing masks to keep ourselves healthy.” Are there really any benefits, health benefits to having a hybrid learning approach? Or, is it really just the same as being in-person, the risks are the same? Yeah. In the hybrid model, the time in the school building in contact with the other students is less than a full-time in-person model. And so with that, you do have less risk.

However, children still face the same concerns and they, just by nature of being around other people, there will be some risk. And so, in a hybrid model, you still need to uphold the same mitigation tactics and you still need to do social distancing, mask compliance, hand hygiene, to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 and bringing it home. So, I do think that one of the benefits of this hybrid model is fewer children allowed in the school building every day. This allows there just to be extra space, to make social distancing easier. And, reducing the number of close contacts between students and teachers and students and students.



Why does Lionel Messi wants to leave Barcelona?

I never wanted to make and never truly expected to make but you know what it is happening this has gone now beyond reports this has gone way beyond rumors because Lionel Messi wants to leave Barcelona and us of course, have to talk about it because indeed. We spoke about man city's very a serious interest in Messi and about how this entire situation it wasn't a joke for me it never has been this has always been and should have been treated as a really serious issue a real possibility that Messi could lead the club and we all knew a decision was coming well.

This evening it has come and like I say this now is not rumor this now is not speculation Messi officially wants to leave the club he informed the club this evening via fax that he will leave the club this summer by means of terminating his own contract and the club have confirmed they received that message from Messi in that fax. Messi stated that he does intend to release himself from his own contract at Barcelona and leave the club this summer.

For his 700 million release clause but for absolutely nothing, Messi has already stated there that he will proceed to activate that clause which was inserted into his the contract for several years now that allows him the option of leaving the club for free although right now there is confusion over that's the big sticking point right now.

Because Messi is absolutely clear he wants to leave enough is enough we're going to be talking about exactly why in just a moment's time but that clause that right now is certainly up for debate because usually, that clause in his contract must actually be activated before the end of the season in usual circumstances Messi there would need to inform the club by about June if he did actually want to activate that clause with the club there saying right now that clause expired after June the 10th so the club believes that right now.

Messi's 700 million euro clause that still stands they believe the release clause is there and that's the only way that Messi can leave however reports in Argentina Spain as well they say that because the season was extended this year because this year is a very different situation and the season went on until August Messi believes that he has until August the 31st  to activate that clause and release himself from his deal like I say for nothing and that may be why we've seen Messi now take several days quite a while it has been in terms of waiting for a decision after that buy-in defeat now we've had over a week's time waiting to see exactly what Messi will decide to do.

I just wonder there that behind the scenes have they have been exploring that contract have they been looking there at the final print basically seeing whether it's possible to get himself out of that deal and like I say there are clubs out there that can afford him and even more so without that release clause if he can go for nothing all you need to do there is get those wages and that right now is a serious possibility that Messi this summer walks out the door with receiving nothing in exchange and just to highlight right now.

Exactly how serious the situation is Carlos legend former Barcelona captain he actually tweeted there following all of this the news he said respect and admiration Leo all of my support friend and that right now that's massive we as a club as the community where we're coming to terms of the fact that Messi he is actually leaving he actually wants to leave the club and we never thought we'd be in this situation and it's honestly it's unbelievable for me I’m sitting here right now like I say.

I never expected to actually wanted to write this article I feel a lot of sadness that will certainly, come but above all else right now I feel the anger I feel absolute rage quite simply because there's one man there is one man who's been responsible for this car crash for this entire situation, this comes down the fact that he's still, he is still in charge of this club he still hasn't resigned what kind of man are you to be the president.

Who allows the best player in the history of this club to walk out the door to want to walk out of the door and it all comes down to him the fact that he hasn't resigned the fact that after yet another champions league disappointment he continues to be in charge of this club and he was even more incense messy what made him even angrier was when he cut his holiday short to go and meet up with the new coach Cooman when he sat down there in that private one-to-one meeting.

Immediately after that meeting, the club leaked everything and I mean everything that was said to the media straight away stabbing Messi once again in the back and tried to twist things in the media to make him look bad and Messi right now feels as though it's completely broken down there is no trust there between the player and the board there is nothing there anymore they have torn all of that away and he feels also   leaving this club there's no chance no matter what happens there is no chance of that winning project.

That he so desperately wants and that's why he wants to go enough is enough they have pushed Messi they've pushed all of us to the absolute edge and like I say how is this  you thought it would be okay there to bring the elections forward to March 2021 that wasn't soon enough, you can blame everything else you can blame everyone else and they never take up that responsibility they never take up ownership of their own decisions and they can have this board meeting now but I still don't even know if it'll make any difference.  now go back on all this because like I said before many times this here this is the closest.

We've ever been by a considerable distance now to Messi leaving our club which we never thought could happen and like I said there earlier on today over. there are clubs out there that will be queuing up around the block to get their hands on little Messi yes he may be 33 yes he does have extremely high wages but what you would get in terms of Messi not only in terms of on the pitch but off the pitch to all of that marketability all of that extra stuff.

That comes there with signing what is the best the player in the world the best the player in history coming to your team people will want him you will have a man the city really putting all the money they're trying to get him in you'll have a man united all of that kind of clubs who have any chance there of bringing Messi in they'll be trying and Barcelona have let him like I say walk out that door they have pushed somebody who joined the club nearly 20 years ago.

When he came all the way over from Argentina as a boy grew at this club into a man into the best player he loves it here he loves knowing the club but also the city his family are set up here his children are here his wife is here but no you have forced him out of the club you have made him not want to play here anymore.

Because it's not the fans it's not like we turned against him, it's not like we've done anything wrong that's not what this is about the people in charge of this club have brought it to its knees and they're still being allowed to run the club how is this happening what a disgrace so that right there guys are the latest right now on little messy emotions are certainly high the sadness like I say is already starting to come through now I will try to keep you updated as best as I possibly can on this situation. something that honestly I ever imagined having to do but this is real and if the board had realized it was real maybe a bit sooner we could have avoided this kind of problem.




What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?


What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

If you’ve ever dictated a message to your phone or programmed your thermostat to maintain a certain temperature, you’ve interacted with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the science of training machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI is generally divided into two fields: Narrow AI and Artificial General Intelligence. Narrow AI focuses on performing a single task extremely well and is the kind of AI that we are familiar with today. Computer programs have beaten humans at chess, Jeopardy, and Go – games with specific parameters and defined outcomes. Speech recognition and facial recognition technologies are other examples of Narrow AI performing specific tasks within a limited scope.

 Artificial General Intelligence is the concept of a machine the capacity to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human can. This is considered the Holy Grail of AI and would incorporate many narrow AI fields like machine learning, natural language processing, machine perception, social intelligence, and robotics. No one has achieved true Artificial General Intelligence, but NGA is already implementing a variety of Narrow AI disciplines to enhance and improve its national security mission.

Instead of having analysts make changes manually, we are using AI automation to help with routine data sorting like updating NGA’s safety of navigation publications.  Using computer vision - another form of AI, we can train a computer to differentiate between elements in a satellite image, then has it filter out the relevant information. Computer vision can quickly note differences between images and highlight changes on the ground. There’s still no replacement for human cleverness and ingenuity, but for now, AI is helping NGA keep up with the ever-changing world and the ever-increasing amount of data it produces.



American Elections 2020 Biden Vs Trump


People have had a taste of trump politics now, trump consequences. I think people are ready for yet another change and I think it is going the other way at this time.  people support the big government for their own purposes and I’m not supportive of either of that. we can’t go on how we are now.

We tried it. it didn’t work. Connell: we’re back here in Chester County in Pennsylvania getting you set for the third night of the democratic national convention, tonight it is the presumptive vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris who will take the virtual center stage and other key speakers tonight with senator Elizabeth warren. Hillary Clinton will speak.  former President Barack Obama will speak as well. 

Here to speak with us, Fred Hochberg, former head of the export-import bank president Obama. working closely with the Biden campaign. a lot of people will be watching but what about generating excitement in the virtual environment? I saw the rates last night. 18.2 approximately watched. a lot. but down 27.2 last time around. does it make it more challenging to generate excitement around the campaign which is one of the challenges for the Biden folks?

The virtual campaign is a new thing for all of us. A new thing for democrats.  a new thing for republicans. 18 is a lot of viewers. I think we’re learning our way through but I thought the last two nights were well-produced. it was good television and I thought the roll call was an afar more interesting way of seeing it. Yes, going around the country and that. in the backdrops that seemed to get pretty decent reviews. let me ask you about Hillary Clinton because she is going to speak tonight.

I just saw a reporter from "politico" put excerpt of her speech on twitter that speaks to what we’re doing in Chester county, Pennsylvania, it is an area Joe Biden should win. matter whether you win big in an area like this in a swing state so you offset the strength of your opponent Donald Trump in rural areas of the state. Mrs. Clinton will say according to the expert, this not be at the expert, that is clearly why she lost.  show Biden is a bridge builder. we had Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez around john Kasich. we had Colin Powell. we had Bill Clinton. we had a wide range of people.

A wide range of points of view, saying together, Joe Biden is a person who believes in this, pulling the country together we can come up with better solutions that work for more Americans. Connell: give me a preview tomorrow night.  that is always the big one, as much as people get excited about other speeches if it is Michelle Obama, who it may be, the candidate speaks. the trump campaign is directly going after Joe Biden’s mental fitness. that is out there in the add this is week, does it adds to the pressure, even though you’re dealing with such an experienced politician does it add to the pressure to perform tomorrow night? because that is now out there?

I think for any presidential candidate, even on a, even on re-election the night they speak at the convention when all the country, the largest audience they have to date will be on Joe Biden’s eyes tonight. the next three will be the debate. these are all high-stakes events. I’ve known Joe Biden, goodness, for 30 years. he is experienced. he knows how to handle these things. he is well-prepared. he knows who he is, he knows what he stands for and what his values are.

What do you say the attack from the Trump administration which essentially amounts or from the president himself that vice President Biden is, has lost a step, or lost a little bit on his fastball? what do you say to that?  Joe Biden has been in government and the public sphere for 40, 50 years.

He understands when people make attacks, groundless attacks. I think he is pretty good at fending them off. not taking them to heart. Connell: we’ll see tomorrow night. I want to ask you about the economy a little bit. that is the other thing we hear. even in a pro-Biden area where we are, seems like a lot of support for the former vice president but those that are reluctant, especially former trump voters, people who voted for Trump last time around, I’m willing to listen, I’m willing to change but I’m worried that my taxes are going to go up, not just go up a little, go up a lot. what will you say to those voters?

I think what we need is a strong economy. what we’ve seen in the last six months, in particular, Donald Trump through his inaction and lack of leadership on COVID -19 has tanked the economy. so we need to rebuild the economy. Joe is talking about doing infrastructure. let’s be clear. president trump is going to be infrastructure president. he was a builder, so I think we have a lot to move this economy forward and move to the united states economy both forward and globally forward.

We can do a lot more exporting which I worked on with Joe Biden and Barack Obama in the last administration. I’m confident. Connell: taxes are going up, right? do you think they’re going up right away given what we’re coming out of with a weak economy and the pandemic? we’re going to ultimately at some point as a country we’re going to have to pay for this but we’re not going to be, I don’t think we’ll see any of that until we get the economy back on a firm footing. that is my personal belief a lot of people on wall street seem to be betting on that as well. we’ll see what happens if the former vice president takes over and wins this election.



US Election The political appeal of Joe Biden's story


Joe Biden knows the anguish of sitting at a table with an empty chair. His life is a testament to getting back up. From our distant vantage point on the other side of the world, it can be hard to understand why the Democratic Party's voters chose Joe Biden of all people, to be their presidential nominee. We stand with Jill Biden.

But he does have one significant thing going for him. And it's something his opponent, President Donald Trump, very much lacks. They are dying. That's true. It is what it is. To illustrate it, we're going to look back at the night of the South Carolina primary in February, otherwise known as the night that revived Biden's seemingly dead campaign. What it means is uniting America, not sewing more division and anger. It means not only fighting but healing the country. Six weeks earlier, we lost our son Beau, and we needed to be healed, too.

We need to be healed. I really mean this. We left here having arrived in overwhelming pain thinking we can do this. We get through this. So I want to tell you, it's no small reason why I'm in this race. This is a man who has been shaped by a lifetime of tragedy. He lost his first wife, Neilia, and their one-year-old daughter, Naomi, to a car crash. Before losing Beau to brain cancer. As a single parent, he decided to be there to put us to bed. To be there when we woke up from a bad dream. To make us breakfast.

Those losses have made him a vulnerable, empathetic figure. Four days after Beau's funeral, I watched Joe shave and put on his suit. I saw him steal himself in the mirror, take a breath, put his shoulders back, and walk out into a world empty of our son. He went back to work. That's just who he is.

Biden's campaign clearly understands this contrast because it has made empathy and basic decency the centerpiece of his argument against Trump. I have said from the outset of this election. That we are in the battle for the soul of this nation, we believe, maybe most importantly, who we want to be, it's all at stake. But the point here is that Biden's policies have little to do with his appeal or with the rationale his campaign is offering voters.

It wants the election to be about the personalities and character of the candidates. That argument clearly resonated with Democratic voters.  Despite Biden's obvious weaknesses, now we'll see whether it works on the rest of the country.



SEO Best Setting For WordPress Yoast SEO - Yoast Plugin Setup

Many people think that they all knew about Yoast SEO! It will be your misunderstanding. Today I will tell you about my settings.

And I will tell you about advanced tricks so that you will not need to use the premium version of Yoast SEO. And after applying these settings SEO of your website will boost up. You will come to WordPress settings. After coming into the dashboard, you have to install a plugin. With the name Yoast SEO. You will write a Yoast in the search bar.

Just after your typing Yoast in the search bar, you will see the first plugin. You can see the active installation. This is more than 5 million It means after seeing this installation rate you can understand how many people are using this plugin. Basically, there are many SEO plugins in the market. But we will just talk about the 3 or 4 SEO plugins which are famous. But the most useable plugin for SEO which is Yoast, so we will only talk about this plugin today's article.

 Simply you just install this plugin and then activate it. Then you scroll down and you will find the settings. Or you can go through the General tab in the left sidebar. After clicking on the General tab, you will see this page in front of you. All of your problems related to SEO will be listed here. Then for the first-time configuration, Yoast SEO is asking here but we are not going to use the default configuration. I am going to tell you all the things manually.


Here you are seeing Features Tab. Simply you just click on it. The features which are Yoast SEO providing you are listed here. Like SEO Analysis, Readability Analysis, XML Sitemap. Yoast SEO is providing all these features for free. It is the list of these features. Simply it was a short overview of the General Settings.

After this, you will come to Search Appearance. First, you will find Title Separator. What is the title separator? If you see on my website, I am using a Dash after web insights. Basically, where you will use the title separator this symbol will be used there. Theses all separators are search engine separators. So lets if I want to use this one then I will click on it.

After this here is the SEO title for the Homepage. One thing you should keep in mind; it is just the Homepage SEO title. Not for the whole Website. What is the SEO title? Let's say, I search Facebook in Google. This blue colored area or this blue colored link, it is SEO title. And this is in Gray color under SEO title is called Meta Description.

So if you want to set the title for your homepage, you can do this from here. In my case I want my homepage's title, Learn Blogging for free. Whenever my website will index in Google my title will be shown here in this place. You can write a Meta Description for your website here which you want. It will show in the search engine. After this, it is Knowledge Graph and Schema basically what is it? I tell you.

Let's say if we search Facebook so this data will come through Knowledge Graphic What is Facebook? It is an organization. And if I search here NBA Services. It is showing a public figure;            Hafiz Basit Ali also has an organization. So I want to tell you all of the data which is shown here comes through a knowledge graph. All these are enabled when your website gets good signals and traffic When you will become a popular brand or an organization. Here we will talk about settings what should we select here?

If you have an organization, then you should upload the logo. Then type Organization Name uploads a logo, and then click on save changes. Now Guys! We simply click on Content-Type You will find Settings for Single post URL here. We will set pre-default settings in the content type. It means all these settings here are applied to your post SEO. So first of all, you want to show your posts in the search engine or not? Obviously yes! If you are writing blogs, then you will want your posts will index in Google and people visit your website.

After this, you will find the Date in Google Preview. What is it? Let's say If I type News India in the search bar. Here you can see they are showing the time of the post here. That it is uploaded 12 minutes ago and when this post will get old then you will see 2 days ago or 24h ago here. If you want this, then make sure you will check this. It is an SEO title here under this. What is this SEO title? I tell you. I am again repeating all these settings which we are doing here in content type, these all settings are applying on posts. These are not applying to the homepage. So do not be confused.

Basically, these which are in Purple color are variables. We will click here if we want to insert them. As if I want to add a primary category, I will click on it and it will show here. For now, I delete all of them. I just leave the title here. Now, what is the title here? How do variables work? I tell you. Let say, whichever you are typing the title of your website. As I am writing learn WordPress for free. If this is the title of your post or the heading, then it will become your meta title.

 Make sure you keep the title here. It automatically keeps your title as your meta title. Now if you want a separator then simply select Separator from here. Then if you want the name of your website shown here. In my case, I want Web Insights so in all posts and posts' titles it will be shown.

Means the title of your post and after this, there will be a separator and then the name of our website. I hope you are understanding well if you are facing issues then you can ask me in the comments. Definitely, I will reply to you. As we set up settings for posts here so same like this you can do this for pages here.  Same settings, if you want the date in the search engine, you can. What will be the default? title and default meta description for your pages? After this, you will come here in the media section if you want your media indexing.


You have to enable it here. Then you will come to Text anomalies.I saw many videos on YouTube but many YouTubers miss the Text anomalies. But guys, Text anomalies. have a lot of roles. I tell you how? Let say you want your categories will show in the search engine or not? Now, what are the categories? I show you on my website. I made a category with the name Deals on my website. When I will click on Deals, so all the posts related to deals will show. Yoast SEO is asking you If you want to index your category or not? If you want to index this category, you want to index this page. Then you will have enabled it.

Often it happens Google AdSense is not approving. The message is shown there, for the content. This means there is less content on your website. It is because you have not enough data on your category's page. In my case, you can see there is only one content on this page. So in this case Adsense will give me the warning that you have not enough content.

Whenever you want AdSense’s approval then enable this option otherwise you can face problems. We come to the category title. What will be the title of the category? What will be the title of the category page? You can add this same as Posts and Pages. After this, these are tags. I think Tags are the most important in Yoast SEO. There is a big relation between Yoast SEO and Adsense.

I tell you how? The same thing, as I said if you have less content on the deals page then you will face the warning. And your Adsense does not approve. Same like this when you use tags on your website. And there is only one post on your tag post then again you will see a warning. So, in this case, you should click on NO. Till your Adsense will not approve. After this, there are Format options you will not touch them. Keep them as they are. Then Settings Category URL.

Let say if I do not want Word Category on my category page. You will just click on remove and then click on save changes. Automatically the word category will remove from there. So in this way, all these settings will apply. After this, it will come to the Archive section. It is not as important but I tell you.

Let say you want to index the Author's Page of your Authors on your website. You can do check or uncheck from here. If you want to show them, you can select the show here. In this way, the Author Section will work. After this, there are date archives. You will select Yes so that as I said it will show here. You have to enables these settings here. Then you find Special Pages, as what will be the title of the search page? And what will be the title of 404 pages? When someone comes to your 404 pages then what will be the title of your page? By default, it will show the page not found. So do not change it.

If you want, you can change it. Then it comes Breadcrumbs. If you want you can enable it but in my case, I do not want it to be enabled. Then it will come RSS feed but it is not as that important. So, I call it advance because I just did not tell you about Yoast SEO but also give you a lot of information about Adsense. Due to which reasons your Adsense does not approve?

Why Finland has one of best school system in the world?


You've probably heard that Finland has the school system is supposed of the best in the world. This is A Kind of Adventurous Life. The Finnish school system is, according to international studies, one of the best, if not the best, in the world. What do I think of it? I have just completed my 9 years’ basic my 9-year nine-year compulsory basic comprehensive school, but I have also personal experience from other school systems as well. Is the Finnish school really so good?

How does it compare to a Tanzanian public school or a British International School in Italy? When I was six I started my school career in a Swahili speaking public school in rural Tanzania. It was really far away from pretty much anything, and as the only white kid there I became a local attraction in school. There were always a dozen kids following me everywhere, including the toilet, but never daring to talk to me. So that was an interesting experience, that luckily lasted only a year.

Then I also briefly went to a private Tanzanian school before moving to Rome, Italy. So, when I was seven I went to the third grade in the British International School in Italy, where I had classmates from various nationalities: American, South African, Belgian, and also of course many Italians. And there I was not an attraction! I was just like everybody else! So by that time I had had classmates from both economical extremes: the poorest Africans and the wealthiest Europeans.

And that's quite an interesting perspective or a seven-year-old boy. Then I was ten we moved to Finland! That's Finland! We moved to the middle of Finland in the middle of nowhere. And I started my sixth grade here, four years ago. And this June I finished my school! Finland has the extremely best school system in the world. Um, yes and no. I can't really tell but I can compare it to my own experiences.


I think it's like really good and covers all the necessary things but I think I liked the British school in Italy much more. There I learned much more as in here I think the school isn't that demanding. Finland's schools are easy yes. Well at least compared to the British school. When four years ago I came to Finland some days I only had four hours of school: I went to ask my dad: "what do I do now?" The overwhelming free time was a really strange concept for me.


In the previous year in Italy, I'd had school days that's lasted 11 hours, including the required homework and school buses. Finland's schools have very little homework yes. When I was 7 years old, in the British school in Italy, I had a school assignment. I had to make a PowerPoint presentation of an Egyptian pharaoh of my choice. I don't remember anymore which pharaoh I chose but that I remember that the assignment was interesting to me. I didn't think if I was strange to require that's kind of assignment from seven-year-old.


Meanwhile, in Finnish schools, seven-year-olds go through their ABCs. They don't make PowerPoint presentations about anything. Finland's schools have the best teachers in the world. Well, I can't really tell. Yes, in Finland, to be a teacher you have to have your master's degree but that doesn't necessarily make you a good teacher. Of course, it's better than the Tanzanian system which is just that you have to go through one year of teacher training college and then you're qualified as a primary school teacher. My personal favourite teacher ever has been our third-grade teacher in Italy. But also most of my teachers here in Finland have been really good. Most! Students in Finland are motivated.


Umm, not really. Of course, I only have experience from one school here in Finland and in my class, there were some motivated people and some less motivated ones. But I think I was a lot more motivated in my British the school in Italy than I was ever herein Finland. Finland's schools are equal. Everybody learns the basics: how to read and write and do simple math. And the schools in Finland are completely free, including lunch.

My British school in Italy was a private school with really high tuition and even the Tanzanian school had mandatory school uniforms that the parents had to pay. But with equality comes homogeneity. The basic Finnish school system was originally copied from East Germany, where homogeneity was mandatory. In theory, the Finnish school tries to take into account individual differences but in practice, the focus is to have everybody to keep up. So what do I think of the Finnish school? There are many good things but there's also a lot of room for improvement. So now I finished my "peruskoulu" (Primary school) my compulsory basics comprehensive school.

Do you Know Obesity can be controlled with intermittent?


some new evidence suggests that intermittent fasting could provide much health benefits beyond weight loss that's according to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. here to

break it all down for us NBC medical contributor dr. Nathalie Azar full disclosure I did this for about four or five days ago Carson that Carson sucked me into it it's not for me but I think it's part partly because of the schedule but I was surprised to hear that it's beyond weight loss yes.

so this was actually a review of past animal and human studies for multiple years and what the authors posit as potential benefits in addition to weight loss is improving obesity improving insulin resistance cholesterol hypertension inflammation also some cognitive parameters all things that could theoretically improve longevity. How does this work they say well it's all about this thing called the metabolic switch, so what happens when you fast is that your body burns through all the sugar in the liver ultimately.


Then it has to transition into burning fat for fuel that actually starts this whole signalling cascade in the body that helps to suppress inflammation. it starts to repair damaged cells and has all these benefits on a cellular level that could contribute to all of these potential health benefits. The good point is that it can take a couple of weeks even months. It equilibrates when you do something like this but I should mention that there are not that we would say concerns, but some things to sort of point out for people who are considering doing this, especially in the new year.


there aren't any long-term studies yet on the potential health benefits we're talking long term a lot of the studies that were done we're done an overweight young and middle-aged adult so unclear, if it's generalizable to everyone and I think it is important to note that children shouldn't do this elderly person should not necessarily do these people who are underweight or have eating disorders regnant breastfeeding women so there's if you're going to do something like this definitely do it with the guidance of a doctor and a nutritionist.


I think the most popular one is the sixteen and the eight one is the five and the two so the sixteen in the eight is basically that you're fasting for sixteen hours and you have an eight-hour window where you're doing your eating and by the way you should be eating healthfully drink. basically eating normally for five days and then on two non-consecutive days you're restricting your calories. The point is that mechanism of metabolic change starts to really kick in you need to have that prolonged period of fasting.




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